Healing Vibrations

Ancient Tibertan Healing Bowls

Sound Therapy

Sound Healing is an effective and proven modality that uses vibrational sound to help reduce stress, alter consciousness and create a deep sense of peace, well being and better health.

How to find a Tibetan bowl suited to your needs?

If you wish to inquire about purchasing a bowl for your own use, information about receiving a healing session as a client, or obtaining training/resources to becoming a practitioner, click below for more information.

What Do The Bowls Sound Like?

Sounds of a Tibetan Singing Bowl can positively affect humans on three levels; physically, mentally and spiritually.

Singing bowls can be purchased for in home use and can help aid in bringing about physical wellness, help create a calm metal space from which to cultivate peace and also help in bringing about spiritual awareness.

Diane Mandle – Sound Healing Practitioner

Author, recording artist with Sounds True and sound healing practitioner, Diáne Mandle of Southern California uses Tibetan bowls that are at least 120 years old in private healing sessions and concerts.  Her book “Ancient Sounds for a New Age: An Introduction to Instruments” book recently won the 2018 International Book Award in the Health: Alternative Medicine category and is a finalist for the 2018 New Generation Indi Award”.

As an internationally known authority in her field, she explains that ‘Ancient Sounds’ for a New Age, is an introduction to and overview of sound healing with Himalayan instruments. It offers a clear idea of what is needed to learn and practice for anyone who decides to enter the field of sound healing and serves as an instructional tool to that end.

Mandle wrote the book to help establish a high standard for the sound healing modality, as she saw Tibetan bowls become something of a fad in the US.

““I saw people buying bowls and declaring themselves healers with no concept of how sound moves energy and no education or honoring of Tibetan Buddhism – the culture that created these instruments. My hope is that the book serves as a foundational resource for those seeking to work with the instruments in a therapeutic manner. It is an empowerment tool for practitioners and their clients.

 Really, anyone can strike a bowl to make a sound. But the practitioner needs to be able to tune into the variety of harmonics in each instrument, understand what each sound communicates about a person, and know what to do with that information” Mandle says.

Diáne who is half-French, is the only state certified practitioner/ instructor in California. She has given more than 250 educational concert programs in 32 states, as well as in India, Costa Rica, Mexico and St. Croix. She is a faculty member at the New Center for the Study of Sound Healing, Music and Consciousness at the California Center for Human Science and the Sound Healing Certification program at the Soul of Yoga in Encinitas. She spent four years as part of the integrative therapy team at the San Diego Cancer Center and developed a successful sound healing program for incarcerated veterans with PTSD .featured in the upcoming video series: “Tao- Living in Balance” along with healers such as Dr. Wayne Dyer and John Gray. She maintains a private sound healing practice Encinitas where she also owns and operates the Tibetan Bowl School.

Sound Energy Healing